Small breasts in women become one of the reasons for reducing self-confidence in them
Many women are interested in enlarging their breasts
Due to the presence of hormones in women’s bodies, their breasts do not grow well
Our clinic with the best technologies in breast surgery is one of the best clinics in Turkey

In this article, you’ll find what a breast augmentation can do, benefits, types of breast implants, ideal candidates, preparation, recovery, risks, the cost and have all your questions answered.

Full recovery

Depending on your overall health condition and body features, full recovery takes about 6 to 8 weeks. Try to take prescribed painkillers and other meds according to the allotted time until you are fully recovered.

What to Expect after Breast Augmentation?

In almost all cases, breast augmentation is done under general anesthesia, so it is normal to feel dizziness, drowsiness, and weakness for a couple of days after the surgery. Moreover, you probably feel pain, tenderness, and pressure in your chest for the first two weeks, but they will be eliminated gradually. You should also expect some swelling and bruising around the operated area. Fortunately, the bruising will be eliminated in 10 to 15 days, and the swelling will subside in three to five weeks.

What is Breast Augmentation (Mammoplasty)?
Breast augmentation also known as a mammoplasty or a “boob job” is a cosmetic procedure used to enhance appearance of the breasts by placing special saline, silicone implants or fat grafting under the chest muscle or breast tissue. Annually, countless of mammoplasty procedures are performed throughout the world and it’s getting more and more popular among women. Generally, women undergo this procedure because of following reasons:

They like to look more vibrant, sexy and feminine

They seek out breast augmentation for reconstructive purposes or to correct asymmetry

They feel their breasts aren’t proportional to their body
They like to have their small breasts enlarged
They had weight loss
They experienced pregnancy and breastfeeding

They undergo breast augmentation as reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy


read more: ?Breast implant or fat transfer: Which should I do

Anatomic and round shaped implants

The Cronin and Gerow silicone gel implant had a teardrop shape. Since there was a problem with capsular contracture, manufacturers began to design round, smooth-surfaced low-profile implants, which would move within their surgical pockets. The selection would be made according to the patient’s need.

There are many varieties of silicone gel implants and saline implants available in varying degree of projection, height and shapes now.

How is Breast Augmentation performed?

There are three general steps in performing breast augmentation (mammoplasty) surgery including:

Step1. Administration of anesthesia: Typically, for a mammoplasty procedure general anesthesia is administered so during operation you’re comfortable and unable to feel any pain or complication.

Step2. Making Incision: In this step after the patient has been completely sedated, the surgeon will make a small incision in each breast to be able to place the breast implant. There are four incision methods in mammoplasty procedure. Before the surgery, the surgeon will discuss which incision method will be more suitable for each patient with the breast implant type selected.

Step3. Implant placement: The surgeon will insert and adjust selected implants into the breasts above the muscle known as subglandular or below submuscular. After ensuring that the implant is secure, the surgeon will artistically close the incisions through tissue then skin with the help of stitches and surgical tape.

Types of incisions:

Periareolar Incision: Periareolar or areolar incision is made around the nipples. The upside of this method is that the surgeon will have a great visibility during implant placement. It will also leave more symmetric results and less scarring as well.

Inframammary Incision: Inframammary incision is made in the crease under the breast. The good thing about this incision method is that the incision has proximity to the surgical site so it gives more surgical precision and control over implant placement and bleeding as well. This type of incision is ideal for silicone implants.

Transaxillary Incision: Transaxillary incision is made under patient’s arm (armpit). This incision is made for saline implants. Generally, this method leaves no scar on the breast but it may cause more inferior asymmetry of the implants.

Trans-umbilical Incision (TUBA): the surgeon makes an incision in the naval area. This incision is less common but good for saline implants with less scarring as well.

read more :  A few tips about breast lift

What types of breast implants (prostheses) are there?

Generally, breast implants are made of silicone and saline that are artificial materials. Breast implants are in various sizes, shapes (rounded and teardrop also known as gummy bear implants) and textures. Rounded shape implants create a full and symmetrical look at the top of the breasts while teardrop or gummy bear shape implants create a fuller bottom at the bottom of the breasts. Depending on some factors such as patient’s health, age, and personal aesthetic goals the surgeon and patient together will decide which breast implant is more appropriate.
Silicone implants
Silicon implants are the most common types of implants, made of silicone gel that is sticky and mimics natural breast tissue. Silicone implants come in various sizes varies from 100 to 1000 cc. Silicone implants are great for women over the age of 22 and also for women of any age who are looking for breast reconstruction.

Saline Implants

Saline implants have a silicone outer shell but are filled with sterile saltwater. Most surgeons first insert the saline implants and then fill them with sterile salt water once there are in the right place. Saline implants come in various sizes ranging from 100 to 1000 cc. Saline implants are great for women over the age of 18.

What are the benefits of Breast Augmentation?

There are a lot of lasting benefits of breast augmentation at the TurkeyNoseJob including:

The breasts will be higher, larger and fuller with more youthful-looking
The results will last over a decade
The procedure corrects any imbalance between the breasts

The breast implants used are highly customizable. It meant you can select what size, widths and volume you want for your breasts

The procedure can reconstruct the breasts after a mastectomy surgery or after overcoming breast cancer

Having breast augmentation, will boost your self-esteem and self-confidence
You’ll have more clothing options
What risks are associated with Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation procedure is considered very safe, however like any other surgical procedure has its own complications and risks. During your initial consultation, your surgeon will go over all the possible complications and risks associated with your surgery. From a medical point of view, you may experience some of the following complications, however they are temporary and will be addressed over time. They include:

Adverse reaction to anesthesia
Breast pain
Excessive bleeding
Implant failure
Implant leakage or rupture
Hematoma and Seroma
Unwanted scarring
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)
Changes in nipple and breast sensation
Capsular contracture

Who are ideal candidates for Breast Augmentation?

Ideal candidates for a mammoplasty have characteristics below:

Are standing in good general health
Have realistic expectations and positive outlook

Have no life-threatening conditions or illnesses like heart, lung, neurological conditions, bleeding disorders or cancer

Are looking to enlarge their breasts or address asymmetry
Have BMI 30 or lower
Are at least 18 years old
Are not smokers or drinkers
Are not breastfeeding


What is happening during my initial consultation?

During your initial consultation, what our surgeons first do is that they listen carefully to your aesthetic goals, needs and concerns. Next, they ask you questions about your complete medical history, previous diseases and surgeries. Then, our surgeons will perform a physical exam and they may even recommend a mammogram or x-rays to track any possible changes in your breast tissue. And finally, you and your surgeon discuss all of your implant options. The surgeon will show you example breast implants to determine the size you like. He or she will also ask you to try on a few of the sizes through special bra to see which size meets your aesthetic needs. Alongside with that, you can review other patients’ before and after photos. Your surgeon will also talk to you about potential risks and complications associated with mammoplasty.

If you’re interested in Breast Augmentation in Istanbul, call or message the TurkeyNoseJob Health Care Provider at +90 534 392 76 73. Our professional staff will schedule a complimentary privet consultation for you as soon as possible.

How to prepare for Breast Augmentation (Boob Job)?

Breast augmentation like any other surgical procedure requires some preparation beforehand to ensure the safety and success of the surgery. Here are some pre-operative instructions and tips that our surgeons will provide you with:

Avoid consuming blood thinners or anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and vitamin E two weeks before your surgery

Give up smoking or any nicotine products one month before the surgery

Stop drinking alcohol one week leading up to your surgery

Ask one of your family members or friends to drive you home the day after surgery and help you at home

Take medications prescribed by your surgeon before the surgery
Don’t eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery

How is recovery after my Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation like any other surgery comes with a recovery period. Usually, recovery time varies from patient to patient based on various factors such as age, health and how a patient heals all affect the recovery time. After your surgery has been performed, your breasts will be wrapped for some time in gauze dressings and you have to wear compression bandage or sports bra to support your breast implants and minimize swelling. Pain, discomfort, sourness and bruising are normal after a mammoplasty and will decrease in a week. Make sure you take all your pain medications prescribed by your surgeon. After a few weeks, you’ll come to a scheduled follow-up appointment so that your surgeon will remove any stitches and sutures.

Here are some post-operative tips that help you heal faster and better including:

Don’t lie or sleep on your stomach for at least four weeks. Instead, you can sleep on your side or back through the help of body pillows to provide adequate support

Take all your pain medications as your surgeon prescribed

Avoid lifting or pushing heavy objects at least for three weeks

Avoid vigorous sports and exercise for the first month after surgery. Your breasts will be sensitive to physical contact or jarring movements

During the first 48 hours after surgery, walk for 10 to 15 minutes every hour. It helps encourage blood circulation

Breas Lift with Augmentation in Istanbul, Turkey

As women age, their breasts lose firmness and volume or change shape due to loss of skin elasticity, pregnancy, breastfeeding and weight loss. Sometimes, some patients like to have their breasts enlarged and lifted at the same time. To do this, surgeons artistically combine a breast lift with a breast augmentation to help lift and reposition breasts and nipples to a more youthful position and creates a more perkier breast contour. Patient’s anatomy, tissue quality, cosmetic goals and desire will determine the treatment plan to restructure the breast shape and reposition the nipple and areola.



How much does it cost Breast Augmentation at the TurkeyNoseJob?

At the TurkeyNoseJob Health Care Provider, we are proud to offer patients quality procedures and services at an affordable cost. In fact, the cost of breast augmentation depends on various factors such as:

The size of the implant
Material of breast implant
Type of incision
Your individual anatomy
State in which the procedure is performed
Complexity of the procedure
Surgeon’s experience and skill

The cost of breast augmentation at the TurkeyNoseJob is $2900. Also, the cost of combining breast lift with augmentation varies from $3000 to $3200. The total cost you pay not only covers your surgery’s fee but also covers a package of quality services you are going to receive from the moment you arrive in Istanbul until the moment you leave here. They include:

Surgical facility costs
Anesthesia fees
Medical and laboratory tests
Prescriptions for medications
Post-operative garments
Surgeon’s fee
Accommodations’ fee
Airport/Rail way and hotel transfer fees

Breast Augmentation FAQ

From what age can I have a breast augmentation?

When you come of age (18 years old), you’re allowed to get breast augmentation surgery.

What are the best breast implants (prostheses)?

Implants that are made of cohesive silicone gel are the best these days. These implants are very safe with the most natural results. They come in various models such as smooth, rough, drop, and round.
Do anatomical implants have any advantage over round ones?

Yes. The anatomical implants give the chest more natural appearance both in its shape and in its weight distribution while round implants provide an artificial result.

What is the best way to implant prostheses?

The best way to implant prostheses is through the areolar area in which the incision is made around the nipples. The scare will be hidden, bleeding is controlled well, and faster recovery comparing to other methods.

What scars will I have after surgery? Are they visible?

Usually, the incisions made are subtle and discreet. Areolar incision is made around your nipples so they won’t be visible due to the color difference there. Transaxillary incision is made under your armpit so it won’t be visible either. Inframammary incision is made in the crease under the breast and leaves no scar on your breasts.

How big is the scar on my breasts?
Depending on the chosen incision method the length of incision can vary usually between 3cm to 6cm.

When can I return to regular daily activity?

You’re allowed to return to your daily activity after a few days as long as the work doesn’t require big efforts. After three to four weeks, you should avoid vigorous sports and activities for three weeks after surgery.

When can I drive?

We advise not to sit behind the wheel until a week after your surgery. Sudden movements and reactions at the wheel will have adverse effects on the results of surgery.
How do surgeons determine an appropriate implant size if I am not sure how big I want to go?
Based on your opinion and aesthetic goals, your surgeon will recommend a particular size for you. Your surgeon will also show you other patients’ before and after photos to help you decide what size will meet your needs. Alongside with those, He or she will consider factors such as your age, height and bodily figure.

I had breast augmentation surgery about two years ago beneath my pectoral muscle. Could

pregnancy harm the implant?

Pregnancy shouldn’t have any adverse effects on your breasts, though it’s completely normal that the breasts grow and shrink during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you aren’t happy with that, your surgeon might recommend a breast lift procedure or bigger implants once your body has stabilized. This being said, many women after pregnancy and breastfeeding are still pleased with their breast implants.

Do I have to have my implants replaced every ten years?

No. There’s no written or unwritten rule about that. You don’t have to get your implants replaced every ten years. In case of implant leakage or rupture and capsular contracture you’ll have to consider a revision breast augmentation. Generally, most patients only have to have 1 or 2 replacements in their lifetime.

Is breast augmentation linked to breast cancer?

No. breast augmentation procedure doesn’t cause breast cancer.

Are there other ways to increase the size of my breasts without implants?
Yes, there are. Your surgeon can advise fat grafting. It’s a surgical procedure in which fat is transferred from one area of the body to the breasts.

What is the difference between a breast revision surgery and breast augmentation

Breast augmentation add volume, size and symmetry to your breasts while a breast revision surgery is performed for those women who had previous breast augmentation and now tend to replace the implants or correct any complications that arouse.

Which Implant is the most natural looking?

It depends on your aesthetic goals and needs. If you’re looking for a natural-looking breast augmentation, silicone teardrop implants can help you but if you seek noticeable breast augmentation, round saline implants can meet your needs.

What should I look for in a breast augmentation surgeon?

The most prominent factors that you should look for in a surgeon are qualifications, training, enough experience and good reputation among patients and other doctors. Your surgeon should be able to meet your realistic expectations and provides you with the most suitable and honest approach.

How long do boob job results last?

Typically, the boob job results last more than ten years.

How long does it take an augmentation surgery?

The surgery lasts between 1 to 2 hours.

What is the difference between breast augmentation and a breast lift? can be they combined together?
Breast augmentation focuses on enlarging the breast with the help of implants. Breast lift is performed to correct sagging, dropping breasts. Breast lift can’t enlarge the size of the breasts. Sometimes breast augmentation and breast lift both are combined for more favorable results.

Are there different breast implant sizes?
Yes. Silicone implants come in various sizes varies from 100 to 1000 cc.

Do I have to wear a bra after breast augmentation surgery?

Yes. During the recovery period, you have to wear a special bra in order to support your breasts and minimize swelling.

When will I be able to return to work after my breast augmentation?

Most patients are able to return to work a week after surgery as long as lifting, pushing, bending and any sudden movements aren’t involved in their jobs.

Can I breastfeed after breast enlargement?

The implants may affect the ability to breastfeed. Implants that are placed under the chest muscle can decrease damage to milk ducts and nerves.

Can I continue to exercise after breast augmentation?
Once your recovery period is over, you can continue to exercise. Please follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions to avoid any issues.


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