What Is Liquid Rhinoplasty?

In the realm of cosmetic procedures, there is a growing interest in nonsurgical options that offer impressive results with minimal downtime. One such procedure that has gained popularity in recent years is “liquid rhinoplasty.” Unlike traditional surgical rhinoplasty, liquid rhinoplasty is a noninvasive cosmetic treatment that can enhance the appearance Read more…

The Effects of Smoking and Plastic Surgery

Cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals and they are detrimental to your health. Plastic surgery poses risks for any individual, no matter the procedure, but these chemicals significantly heighten the risks for smokers. If you smoke and are considering plastic surgery, consult an experienced plastic surgeon to discuss the procedure. The Risks of Read more…

Cosmetic surgery in those with HIV

HIV-positive patients today are using antiretroviral and other medications capable of preventing opportunistic infections so it may well take 15 years before the disease develops. Better chances of surviving free of clinical disease and longer survival have led to behavioral changes. As patients become more aware and are better informed Read more…

The Key Differences Between Surgical Rhinoplasty and Non-Surgical

Nose reshaping is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure and with the introduction of non-surgical techniques, is becoming more and more accessible. Here we are taking a deep dive into the key differences between surgical and non-surgical nose reshaping procedures. The difference between surgical and non-surgical rhinoplasty Surgical Rhinoplasty involves making incisions in Read more…