Non-Surgical Cosmetic


Everyone wants to be beautiful! They buy their dream by going for various cosmetic surgeries. However, some people may hesitate to decide to undergo surgery for various reasons. These people are looking for non-surgical alternatives in hopes of achieving the results they desire. This article answers some questions about non-surgical rhinoplasty: What are non-surgical rhinoplasty procedures? Can they really replace surgery? Please continue reading to learn more about non-surgical rhinoplasty procedures.
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  • The most famous nonsurgical rhinoplasty is dermal filler nose job also called liquid nose job.
  • Liquid nose job is only suitable for people with small nasal bumps and slightly droopy tips.
  • Laser rhinoplasty is only suitable for people with small noses and small curves on them.
  • Ultrasonic rhinoplasty can deal only with simple deformities and modify the curves of the nose.
  • Nonsurgical techniques for nose job are more affordable than traditional rhinoplasty but offer temporary results compared with the permanent results of surgical nose job.


Non-surgical nose job is a new invention in the field of cosmetic procedures. It is called 15-minute nose job. This type of procedures has given the chance to make changes to the shape of the nose without skin cuts or incisions and at a short period of time. So, instead of being under the knife, all it takes is a sting, laser pulses, or ultrasounds.

There are three main types of nonsurgical nose job, which we discuss in the following sections.

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Liquid nose job is an injectable filler that changes the shape of the nose for 6 months.

This method is used for filling the empty space in the nose to hide the bumps caused by the deviated septum and making the nose angular.

Who are the candidates for liquid nose job?


People resort to liquid nose jobs for several reasons such as:

  • They have small nasal bumps and slightly droopy tips.
  • They fear anesthesia complications.
  • They are hesitant about undergoing a permanent surgery.
  • They are concerned about the insecurities, risks, and results of the traditional surgery.

How to prepare for liquid rhinoplasty?

There are different materials used as injectable fillers. The instructions are given by the doctor according to the utilized filler. However, the following preparations are general:

  1. Inform the doctor if you are on any type of medication.
  2. If you are using any blood thinners, you need to stop using them for 10 days before the procedure.
  3. Avoid aspirin, and anti-inflammatory medications.
  4. Increase your vitamin k levels to reduce the occurrence of bruises.
  5. Drink enough water and eat before the procedure. Do not eat too much or you will feel nauseous.


How does liquid nose job work?

It is performed in an outpatient clinic. First, the patient lies down. The doctor cleans and sanitizes the surface of the nose. Then, a thin needle is injected in the desired areas. The doctor uses their hands to spread the filler equally in both sides. After the procedure is over, the patient is given aftercare instructions and free to go home.

What are liquid nose job aftercare instructions?


Focus on doctor hands showing where correct nose of calm woman. She watching at therapeutic

  • After the treatment, you may experience redness, swelling, tenderness, and itching around your nose. This is normal and will wear off within 2 – 7 days.
  • Do not touch the injected area for 4 hours after the procedure.
  • Do not wear glasses.
  • Do not drink alcohol for a period of time.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Exercise.

What are the complications and risks of liquid nose job

The main complications and side effects of liquid nose job include:

  • Bruises
  • Swelling
  • Filler migration; the injected material might transfer to other areas, which leads to face distortions.
  • Nausea
  • The occurrence of complications inside the blood vessels of the injected area
  • Tissue death in the injected area
  • Fever
  • Blurred vision.

Eventually, altering the shape of the nose changes the shape of your entire face. So, be carful what you put in your body.

Liquid nose job vs traditional rhinoplasty

Liquid nose job: the procedure is very simple and does not require surgery. It costs lower than the traditional rhinoplasty and takes less time.

The results are immediate but temporary. If the results are not as you expected, you don’t have to worry because it’s not permanent. You don’t need a home stay or a hospital stay and you can immediately resume work and daily activities. During the procedure, if the needle is misplaced, there might be some damage.

Liquid nose job side effects are not completely known. If you anything odd, go to the doctor right away.

As a cosmetic surgery, liquid nose job cost is not covered by insurance.

Traditional surgical rhinoplasty: The surgery is performed under general or regional anesthesia. It requires surgical incisions, either inside the nose or between the nostrils. It takes 2 – 4 hours and costs more. Traditional surgery is accompanied by some complications such as swelling and bruises. However, they disappear by time. The results take longer to apear but they are permanent. If it is performed for medical reasons, surgical rhinoplasty might be covered by insurance.

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Laser nose job is one of the non-surgical procedures used for altering the shape of the nose.

Who are the candidates for laser rhinoplasty procedure?

Laser rhinoplasty is only suitable for people who have small curves and small noses.

What are the preparations for laser rhinoplasty?

There are no need for any special preparations before the procedure. The patient can undergo laser nose job right after being medically examined.

How rhinoplasty with laser is performed?

Laser is applied on the skin of the nose. It produces heat that reduces the tissues under the skin to make it look thinner. Laser is known to stimulate skin cells and collagen production.

The procedure lasts about 2 hours. After that, the patient can go home and resume his daily activities.

What are the pros and cons of laser rhinoplasty?

What distinguishes laser rhinoplasty is that it is bloodless, simple, and gives immediate results with just small touches. It does not require a home stay. It is a trouble-free process; it does not cause bruises or swells. It treats sinusitis and removes carnivores.

The cons of laser rhinoplasty are represented by the following things:

  1. Does not give satisfying results.
  2. The results are temporary since the main problem is not actually treated.
  3. It does not treat septum deviation.

Laser rhinoplasty vs traditional rhinoplasty

Compared to laser rhinoplasty, traditional rhinoplasty is complicated, bloody, and painful. It requires anesthesia, skin and bone cuts and incisions. However, the results after a traditional rhinoplasty are permanent and treat various nose problems that laser rhinoplasty does not treat.

Laser is usually used with other methods or surgeries as a helping technique for surgical nose job in what is called laser-assisted rhinoplasty. However, laser alone is not enough for providing the desired results.


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